#安卓#An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state...
翻译 - 受功能反应式编程启发的适用于所有.NET平台的高级,可组合,功能性反应式模型-视图-视图模型框架。 ReactiveUI允许您从用户界面中抽象出可变状态,在一个易读的地方表达围绕功能的想法,并提高应用程序的可测试性。
#安卓#🚀🚀🚀 Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV, Android Wear, Web, Tizen TV, Tizen Watch, Tizen Mobile, LG webOS, macOS/OSX, Windows, KaiOS, FirefoxOS Firefox TV platforms
#Awesome#⚡A curated list of awesome resources for building Smart TV apps
A TizenBrew module to remove ads and add support for SponsorBlock for your Tizen TV.
#安卓#🔀 Neural Network (NN) Streamer, Stream Processing Paradigm for Neural Network Apps/Devices.
Homebridge plugin for Samsung TV's with Tizen OS
React Hooks based Spatial Navigation (Key & Remote Control Navigation) / Web Browsers, Smart TVs and Connected TVs
#安卓#MAUIsland 🏝️ is the number 1 controls gallery for .NET MAUI
#安卓#.NET MAUI Project and Item Templates for VS2022 and CLI.
Twitch client for Samsung Smart TVs 2015 and newer models, in doubt, read the README below
Crunchyroll unofficial app for Smart TV Samsung Tizen OS that currently doesnt exist in appstore, requires crunchyrrol account.
#学习与技能提升#NNtrainer is Software Framework for Training Neural Network Models on Devices.
#安卓#SLib - A universal, efficient, light-weight framework for building cross-platform applications on Android/iOS/macOS/Tizen/Win32/Linux platforms, developed by SLIBIO. Based on C++, provides desktop/mob...
翻译 - SLib-由SLIBIO开发的一种通用,高效,轻量级的框架,用于在Android / iOS / macOS / Tizen / Win32 / Linux平台上构建跨平台应用程序。基于C ++,提供桌面/移动小部件,OpenGL渲染和网络解决方案。
Display RTSP streams from IP Cameras on Samsung Smart TV (Tizen TV)
#安卓#Example applications of nnstreamer. Note that we have to enable the 'apptest" CI module in the near future.
React Navigation for TVs