#安卓#Build your own privacy and security focused Android OS in the cloud.
翻译 - 借助OTA更新,可以在云中连续构建自己的隐私和安全性Android操作系统。
#安卓#🏗 Minimal Android AOSP build environment with handy automation wrapper scripts
#安卓#Set of scripts to automate AOSP compatible vendor blobs generation from factory images
#安卓#Provide binary and apk for controlling each applications volume using Magisk
#安卓#Android ROM device support and bringup tool, designed for maximum automation and speed.
#安卓#A collection of Android AOSP and ROM development related resources
Collection of Dockerfiles for building embedded software distributions
#安卓#A tool to control android application volume individually, TRUE adjusting not auto adjust script, for native and more information check the website
#安卓##PAAD: PhoneAccount Abuse Detector for Android 6.0+ devices
#安卓#📲 Android Kernel Builder | On stand-by, also take look at https://github.com/cyberknight777/YAKB