🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
翻译 - :video_game:托管在GitHub上的流行/超赞视频游戏,加载项,地图等的列表。任何体裁。任何平台。任何引擎。
#安卓#Antimine is an open source minesweeper-like puzzle game.
Report issues and discuss improvements / feature requests around TETR.IO
✨🐠The most original game on Earth: Match3 - in Unity!✨🐟
#安卓#Godot 3.6 / ROTA /Gravity Bending Puzzle Platformer Game / Open Source Fork
A nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces.
A package of 18 text-based modern games
Godot 3.6 / Tiny Crate / Crate Chucking Puzzle Platformer Game / Open Source Fork
#安卓#🦁 🃏 📱 An animal matching puzzle card game– built with turn-based game engine boardgame.io and React-Native + React-Native-Web
Quackle crossword game artificial intelligence and analysis tool
A falling block puzzle game created using React and Redux.
Another nonogram (also known as hanjie, picross and griddlers) editor and solver. No dependencies.
#IOS#Jigsaw puzzle based on Vue(基于Vue的拼图小游戏,可自动拼图。还包含Weex版)
#安卓#Gauguin is a Sudoku-like game for Android where you solve grids via calculation and logic.
Solve puzzles by designing an AI for a team of selfless heroes. Test your algorithm, optimize it, and emerge victorious from the dungeon!