🎮 A list of popular/awesome video games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
翻译 - :video_game:托管在GitHub上的流行/超赞视频游戏,加载项,地图等的列表。任何体裁。任何平台。任何引擎。
Main development repository for Rigs of Rods soft-body physics simulator
Voxel sandbox game with a large render distance, procedurally generated content and some cool graphical effects.
A Voxel Multiplayer Sandbox Survival Game built in Rust & Bevy.
Open source physics-based sandbox game.
Circuit Artist is a digital circuit drawing and simulation game.
In-browser falling-sand simulation game with over 500 elements and thousands of reactions.
The Bug Reporting Repository for OutFox LTS 0.4, Alpha V and Steam Early Access Builds
Build your game with mods,用模组构建你的游戏。
A modern Lua+Löve2D remake of my Ant Colony Simulation
Fast falling sand game made within Godot and utilizing GDExtension features
Godot plugin for making 2D sandbox games like Terraria and Starbound.
2-D creative exploration-driven space trading and mercenary sandbox game.
An orbital mechanics simulator, entirely coded in Python, which uses the panda3D engine. The acronym PyOS stands for "Python orbit simulator".
Game engine inspired by id Tech and Source written in C#
Voxel Engine written in Python 3 + Pyglet.
Dennis MUD - A multiplayer text adventure sandbox engine where the players build the world with in-game commands.
Git repo and bug tracker for SkyOfSteel