🐜🐜🐜 ants is the most powerful and reliable pooling solution for Go.
#计算机科学#Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
Preprocessing pipeline on Brain MR Images through FSL and ANTs, including registration, skull-stripping, bias field correction, enhancement and segmentation.
A modern Lua+Löve2D remake of my Ant Colony Simulation
FPS Game built from scratch using C++ and OpenGL.
The project is used to do preprocessing on brain MR images by using Nipype.
Introduction to dMRI
#计算机科学#anTraX: high throughput tracking of color-tagged insects
atlasBREX: Automated averaged template-derived brain extraction in animal MRI
Ant Pheromone Trail Simulation
#计算机科学#CNN-based image classification of AntWeb images
Python script based on ANTs to locate (center & crop) any region given in the CerebrA atlas, while keeping the MRI in its native space.
Dockerfile to build ANTs from source
Ant-Inspired Task Allocation Model Within a Swarm of Homogeneous Simulated Robotic-Agents
Esta aplicação fornece uma interface web a fim de demonstrar o uso do Algoritmo de colonização de formigas Antsystem