🚀 Open Source REST API for SpaceX launch, rocket, core, capsule, starlink, launchpad, and landing pad data.
翻译 - :rocket:开源REST API,用于火箭,核,胶囊,发射台和发射数据
Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
翻译 - 太空探索,交易和战斗游戏。
#大语言模型#CSGHub is a brand-new open-source platform for managing LLMs, developed by the OpenCSG team. It offers both open-source and on-premise/SaaS solutions, with features comparable to Hugging Face. Gain fu...
#Awesome#🛰️🚀A list of awesome space-related packages and resources maintained by The Orbital Index
翻译 - 🛰️🚀TheOrbital Index维护的与太空相关的超赞软件包和资源的列表
Real-time 3D visualization of space.
翻译 - 实时3D空间可视化。
The /tg/station branch of SS13.
A game of lonely space adventure
翻译 - 孤独的太空冒险游戏
poliastro - 🚀 Astrodynamics in Python
A 2D space exploration and mining game made with Godot and our AI framework
Naev is a 2d action/rpg space game that combines elements from the action, rpg and simulation genres.
This is the official GitHub repository for OpenSpace: an open source astrovisualization project. For instructions on how to build and run OpenSpace, see the Getting Started Guides on the wiki page at ...
A planetarium for your terminal! Explore stars, planets, constellations, and more, all rendered right in the command line—no telescope required. ✨🪐
#安卓#Open-source satellite tracker and pass predictor for Android, inspired by Gpredict
🌎📡 TypeScript Astrodynamics Software for Non-Engineers. 3D Visualization of satellite data and the sensors that track them.
#Awesome#curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs for Copernicus Sentinel satellite data