Stellarium 是一款开源的天象模拟软件。它以3D形式展示了极为逼真的星空,就像你在真实世界使用裸眼,双筒望远镜或天文望远镜看到的一样。
Real-time 3D visualization of space.
翻译 - 实时3D空间可视化。
This is the official GitHub repository for OpenSpace: an open source astrovisualization project. For instructions on how to build and run OpenSpace, see the Getting Started Guides on the wiki page at ...
#区块链#Blockchain in C#/.NET for on-chain, decentralized gaming
翻译 - C#/。NET中的区块链核心,用于持久的点对点在线游戏
A browser-based planetarium that can be customised and embedded in web pages.
3D astronomy and space exploration program.
Our Planetarium project!
#安卓#Universe simulator reachable on your Android device.
C# / Unity class for an accurate (~ -1°/+1°) generation of our universe (stars, planets, moon and the sun) depending on a given location (lat/long) and time.
#IOS#Universe simulator reachable on your iPhone/iPad/Mac.
A toolkit for adapting unity builds to dome screens
a RasperryPi driven orrery/planetarium
A device which can point at the position of the sun, moon and planets. The user can choose if he wants the current position or a specific timestamp. Parts are 3D-printed.
The Simple Graphics Cluster Toolkit is a framework to support the development of non-standard display environments, such as fisheye rendering or cluster systems
Universe simulator reachable on your Windows PC.
Simulation of a 2 dimensional cloud of space dust