MQTT gateway for ESP8266 or ESP32 with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermo...
翻译 - 适用于ESP8266,ESP32,Sonoff RF Bridge或Arduino的MQTT网关,具有双向433mhz / 315mhz / 868mhz,红外通信,BLE,信标检测,miflora / mi jia / LYWSD02 / Mi Scale兼容性,SMS和LORA。
Código fuente de programas vistos en el Curso de Arduino desde Cero en Español
MPU6050 Arduino Library
Send and receive MIDI messages over Ethernet (rtpMIDI or AppleMIDI)
open source bare-metal C firmware and documentation for microcontrollers
翻译 - 开源的裸机C固件和微控制器文档
An Arduino based music visualizer using the FastLED library and a strip of individually addressable LEDs
Countdown the years/days/seconds remaining in your life.
Fast and Lean Sqlite database logger for Arduino UNO and above
Linux on Arduino UNO / atmega328p port of mini-rv32ima. Let's run Linux on one of the world's worst Linux PC
3 implementations of the FFT for Arduino AVR platforms!
A software oscilloscope for Arduino made with Python and PyQtGraph
Playstation controller interface library for Arduino
An Arduino library for logging to Syslog server in IETF format (RFC 5424) and BSD format (RFC 3164)
WebSockets for microcontrollers
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
Create simple APRS modulator using Arduino UNO
The SIM800L Arduino Library is a simple and easy-to-use library for the SIM800L module, allowing for quick and efficient communication with the module using the Arduino platform.
MDB Cashless Device implementation based on Arduino Uno and GPRS Shield
Sensirion SPS30 driver for ESP32, SODAQ, MEGA2560, UNO,UNO-R4 ESP8266, Particle-photon on UART OR I2C coummunication