Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) or Wemos ESP32 D1 Mini (ESP32) based universal shield for WLED firmware
A (very) simple web server written in Lua for the ESP8266 firmware NodeMCU.
Marquee Scroller Clock News Weather and More
MicroPython driver for TM1637 quad 7-segment LED modules
Arduino Text-to-Speech Library
Fast and Lean Sqlite database logger for Arduino UNO and above
ESP8266 Connector to get Daly / XENES / HI-BMS / BullTron BMS Data into MQTT systems
Log data from an ESP8266 device directly to Google Sheets without a third party service. Log sensor data, send data by pressing a button, and receive data from a Google spreadsheet. (NodeMCU, Wemos D1...
A simple FTP server for Arduino, ArduinoSAMD WiFiNINA, esp8266, esp32, stm32 and Raspberry Pi Pico W
A collection of ESPHome custom components, configuration files, and custom code for my various ESP8266/ESP32 devices that integrate with Home Assistant.
A useless box device with ESP8266 and Visual Studio Code.
How to use ESP8266 as a Web Server
S0 & watermeter mesure tool from huizebruin.nl and s0tool.nl . Be sure to 🌟 this repository for updates! Its a hobby project . Flash it go to the link below.
MicroPython driver for Nokia 5110 PCD8544 84x48 LCD modules
Wi-Fi controller based on ESP-07S module with external antenna for WLED firmware.
Digital version of my "analog" doorbell project to determine if the doorbell was pressed.
A remote for Sonos installations running on an ESP8266 and using Sonos HTTP API