A deauth attack that disconnects all devices from the target wifi network (2.4Ghz & 5Ghz)
Update Version 3.1 added free SMS messaging.
WiFi Penetration Testing & Auditing Tool
Intergalactic serial monitor for ESP8266 Deauther
WiFi Hacking with an ESP8266 - Deauth combined with Evil Twin attack
A Wi-Fi penetration testing tool for ESP8266, ESP-32, and BW16
⚡ Deauth a specific WiFi access point or an entire channel
An easy to use ESP8266 flash tool with built-in support for the Deauther Project.
an even smaller pwnagotchi. maintained by @dj1ch
A simple script that makes possible BLE deauthentication!
A simple script that makes possible BLE deauthentication!
A fully automatic wifi deauther coded in Python
minigotchi ported to the ESP32. maintained by @dj1ch
An open-source ESP8266_Deauther with customizable Evil Twin attack, and WiFi signal strength checker, with a user-friendly web interface and Display interface and more.
RTL8720 BW16 5G 2.4G deauther