A compilation of links relating to electronics me and my friends have bought from China. It is online as a resource for others just starting out in electronics, and are looking for projects to do.
WiFi Hacking with an ESP8266 - Deauth combined with Evil Twin attack
Arducky - Arduino Ducky Script Interpreter
A low-cost semimodular analog synthesizer
Tools for deploy a cheap Docker Swarm cluster in https://vultr.com servers over CoreOS
ESP32 webradio with webinterface
Proxy-On-Demand: A serverless HTTP(S) proxy on AWS lambda
Affordable, AWS-hosted Minecraft server that is booted up through a Heroku web app and automatically shuts down when idle
Documentation, files, and links to set up your own stream deck by converting either a USB numpad, second keyboard, or the numpad on your main keyboard into one. (under construction)
A Tiny MCU board that can be programmed with an Arduino
Utility constructs for tagging subnets or creating a cheaper vpc.
Analyzes unwanted traffic and blocks spam using htaccess
Extend ATTiny13 GPIO by using 74165 & 74595.