✍️ Immutable state with a mutable API
Mirror of https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redoxfs
A simple, flexible script for versioned backups using btrfs and rsync
Easy immutability in React Hooks with Immer.
A Rust HashMap implementation with copy-on-write keys and values
A Copy-on-Write NoSQL database engine inspired by btrfs
Copy-On-Write string implementation according to nim-lang/RFCs#221
Fast block device sync with digest, designed to improve block-based backups.
A Rust crate that defines the ToBoundedStatic and IntoBoundedStatic traits
A lightweight eventbus that simplifies communication between goroutines
Immutable data structures for the Go language.
Persistent data structures - immutable copy-on-write lists, maps and sets for Java
A slightly more flexible Cow; to T: Borrow<R> as alloc::borrow::Cow is to B: ToOwned.
Docker volume driver: mount host directory with copy-on-write