Very Tiny Palmtop Vector Network Analyzer
翻译 - 极小的Palmtop矢量网络分析仪
Driver for SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1351, IL9163, ILI9341, ST7735, PCD8544, Nokia 5110 displays running on Arduino/ESP32/Linux (Rasperry) platforms
Fast MicroPython driver for ST7789 display module written in C
STM32 LCD drivers (currently: spi(dma), gpio, fsmc(dma), st7735, st7783, ili9325, ili9328, ili9341, ili9486, ili9488, hx8347g)
PlatformIO library LVGL Drivers for Sunton Smart display boards (CYD Cheap Yellow Display). This library supports these boards without any effort. ESP32-2432S024N/R/C, ESP32-2432S028R/C, ESP32-3248S03...
Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
ᛡᛒ BLE Scanner + Data persistence on SD Card for M5Stack, M5Core2, Odroid-Go, ESP32-Wrover-Kit and other models
Micro version of esplay hardware, ESP32 based gaming console
SPI TFT and XPT2046 touch screen controller driver for esp-idf
Home Assistant integration using ESPHome on an esp32-2432s028 board, featuring I²C expansion and touchscreen functionalities
μReflow Oven controller based on ESP32 with MicroPython & LVGL
CentSDR: tiny handheld standalone software defined receiver with LCD display.
8bit parallel TFT & 4-line resistance touch screen Driver for esp-idf using i2s paralell mode