Very Tiny Palmtop Vector Network Analyzer
翻译 - 极小的Palmtop矢量网络分析仪
🎵 🎹 Firmware boilerplate for the RP2040 / RP2350 powered PicoADK Audio Development Boards. Build your own stand alone synthesizers! Includes all nuts and bolts (FreeRTOS, USB MIDI, Vult DSP, Hardwar...
zmu - Emulator for Microcontroller Systems
a little hobby raspberry pi pico emulator
L1 R2: WCH Cortex-M0 ETH/BLE SoC(CH579/CH578/CH577)
Extremely basic CortexM0 SoC based on ARM DesignStart Eval
#学习与技能提升#A guide and example project for setting up an open Makefile based embedded development tool-chain
L1 R1 S1: PuyaSemi 24MHz Cortex-M0 MCU (PY32F002A/PY32F003/PY32F030)
Standard peripherals library for the W7500x