SPI LCD graphics library for ESP32 (ESP-IDF/ArduinoESP32) / ESP8266 (ArduinoESP8266) / SAMD51(Seeed ArduinoSAMD51)
Fast MicroPython driver for ST7789 display module written in C
This library provides many Wio terminal demos and some other demo for seeed's product.
This repository contains a sample application showing how to connect the Wio Terminal to an MQTT broker over TLS (a.k.a. MQTTS).
This library is a firmware for Seeed samd series board. It is friendly for embedded Machine learning.
This repository contains a sample application showing how to connect a Wio Terminal to Azure IoT Hub to send telemetry and receive commands.
📍 Live tracking on OpenStreetMap with GPS over LoRa
FM receiver based on RDA5807 and WIO-Terminal
Board Support Package for the Seeed Studio Wio Terminal
Connecting Arduino MKR1000, ESP8266, ESP32, BOSCH XDK, Particle Photon, Seeed Wio Terminal & Raspberry Pi to Reyax RYC1001 MQTT Cloud
How to use a Wio Terminal with an ArduCAM OV2640 camera shield V2
This library is a very lightweight library which can help you with the linechart graph you need.
Designed to introduce beginners to the basics of Embedded Machine Learning with Wio Terminal and Codecraft graphical programming.
This Ino will scann for Wifi around your WIO terminal 2.4g/5g
This library enables you to use Hardware Timers on SAMD21/SAMD51 boards to create and output PWM to pins. These PWM channels, using SAMD21/SAMD51 Hardware Timers, still work even if other functions ar...
#区块链#create BIP39 mnemonic with wio terminal arduino