Array of MCU's driver SDKs prepared for effortless remote management of the MCU's peripherals
SKR V1.4 TURBO Stepper Driver Jumper Configuration Manual
Microprocessor & Assembly language codes for university course
Peripheral access API for LPC176x/5x microcontrollers.
Microcontroller HC-SR04 sensor program for distance measurement with audio output from sd card, using algorithm to combine *.wav files to build output sound and dma to streamline data to i2s interfac...
CMSIS-RTOS2, driver development, and data acquisition application on NXP LPC1768
Microcontroller project Code
Drivers and primitives for the NXP LPCXpresso1769 (LPC1769)
implementation of the CAN communication protocol in the LPC 1768 microcontroller
Custom Marlin 2.0.x for Ender 3 with SKR E3 Turbo (LPC1769)
Open flash loader example project for the lpc1756 and the is25lq040b
Basic Serial Port(UART) Calculator on Keil RTX RTOS for lpc17xx