An Arduino NeoPixel support library supporting a large variety of individually addressable LEDs. Please refer to the Wiki for more details. Please use the GitHub Discussions to ask questions as the ...
The ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget
翻译 - 基于ESP8266的多客户端照明小工具
Orange Pi DMX512 / RDM / MIDI / OSC / Art-Net / WS28xx / L6470 / Stepper / TLC59711 / PCA9685 / Servo / PWM / TCNet / SMPTE / RDMNet / LLRP / GD32 / GigaDevice / Raspberry Pi
Adalight with FastLED support
GeoPix is a free and open source real-time lighting control and previz software. It's built in TouchDesigner, with a workflow and UI/UX inspired by 3d animation software.
Full RGB LED matrix, based on an ESP32 and WS2812B LEDs.
Audio visualization for LED strips in real-time with web interface on a raspberry pi.
Pi Pico library for NeoPixel led-strip written in MicroPython. Works with ws2812b (RGB) and sk6812 (RGBW).
ESP8266 based Homekit controller for WS2812B lightstrips with WS2812FX support🌈
An Arduino based music visualizer using the FastLED library and a strip of individually addressable LEDs
Прошивка для ESP8266 (Умный дом)-Firmware for ESP8266 (Smart Home)
Advanced WS2812/SK6812 RGB/RGBW LED controller with on-the-fly Python animation programming, web code editor/control interface, 1D, 2D, and 3D display support, and E1.31 sACN support
WS2812B full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
翻译 - ws2812b 全功能驱动程序