A simulator for IoT sensors and actuators. This creates fake virtual sensors and actuators when the real ones won't fit on your counter 🤪.
翻译 - IoT 传感器和执行器的模拟器。当真实的传感器和执行器不适合您的柜台时,这会创建假的虚拟传感器和执行器🤪。
MicroPython driver for TM1637 quad 7-segment LED modules
The library comes with AS5600. Through this library, we can realize read the angles 、get magnetic from a magnet underneath the sensor.
Combination of MPU-9250 and BMP180, I2C device selectable.
This library provides a code to measure the distance to obstacles in front and prints the distance value to the serial terminal or LCD.
This library provides sample codes for infrared encoding and decoding.
MicroPython driver for SSD1327 128x128 4-bit greyscale OLED displays
A hands on workshop for an agrotech hackathon 🌽
Codecraft is a graphical programming software which is based on Scratch 3.0
This library is for Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±2g to 16g (LIS3DHTR) use I2C or SPI to get acceleration data and temperature.
C library, Azure Sphere, MT3620 Grove Shield, I2C, Analog, SC18IM700, AD7992, Visual Studio 2017
The python3 code is used for the MLX90640 and MLX90641 to initialize and read the data from the sensor.
This library can be used for human thermal detection. There are examples to read temperature readings as quickly as possible and read the temperature pixels, output the temperature readings to all pix...
MicroPython driver for KT403A MP3 chip (DFPlayer, GroveMP3, ... used on Pycom modules)