The library comes with AS5600. Through this library, we can realize read the angles 、get magnetic from a magnet underneath the sensor.
AS5600 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
BLDC Driver and Application: DRV8313, AS5600, STM32F103C8T6
DIY Force Feedback Steering Wheel with Hoverboard motor and Raspberry Pi Pico
Проект печатной платы отладочного модуля для магнитных датчиков AS5600, AS5600L, AS5601
Arduino library for AS5600 and AS5600L 12-bits Magnetic Encoder
An intuitive ESP32-based wireless stepper motor controller for smart home automations.
A slightly faster (lower level) AS5600 I2C library for atmega328p, ESP32, MSP430 or STM32 (or Wire.h)
Minimalistic breakout board for AS5600 encoder, designed for compatibility with Nema17 motors.
Example code for interfacing with popular I²C devices, including temperature sensors, humidity sensors, gyroscopes, and magnetic encoders.
Yolu is a companion robot based on A2R3 platform with personality