Small package, low-cost BLDC diver board fully compatible with the simplefoc library
Replace all circuitry and software of your automower. Add RTK GPS. Dead simple. Auto-mode rectangles or RC via browser + keyboard wsda. Husqvarna automower 450x + beaglebone blue + simplefoc rp2040 se...
Arduino code for the STEVAL-GMBL02V1 BLDC motorcontroller, using SimpleFOC to modulate the motors
Simplefoc based low cost force feedback joystick base
DIY Force Feedback Steering Wheel with Hoverboard motor and Raspberry Pi Pico
One RP2040 Pico drives two brushless motors! SimpleFOC + Halls + 2304 drivers + TO-220 mosfets or IGBTs. Plugs directly into 450x automower motors. Trying for low cost + lots of flexibility + solder i...
This is a short documentation on how to burn an Arduino bootloader to the BGC3.0 clone to use it for anything but the original gimbal application.
A miniature Stepper driver board based on the DRV8844
Autogenerated docs providing an easy navigation of stm32 pinouts for different families
the code for my custom electric longboard (including custom ESC).