Fast and Lean Sqlite database logger for Arduino UNO and above
🌱 Automated Hydroponics (a method of growing plants without soil) using Arduino Mega.
Playstation controller interface library for Arduino
Cessna 172 Skyhawk flight simulator panel
STM32 based Arduino Mega replacement for speeduino
An open-source DIY 4 Axis Foam cutter using Ramps + Arduino for cutting RC Wing Cores.
Turn your broken (or unused) keyboard into a MIDI controller (with pedal and veloticy)
Hardware and software for interfacing Chrysler's legacy CCD/PCI/SCI-bus.
Simple CO2 meter using Arduino UNO-Mega board and popular CO2 sensors (SenseAir S8, Sensirion SCD30, Winsen MH-Z14 or 19 and Cubic CM1106). Operation modes: Normal, Calibration 400ppm, Alarm adjust an...
#学习与技能提升#Real Time Operating System Lessons using Arduino and The FreeRTOS Kernel
翻译 - 使用Arduino和FreeRTOS内核的实时操作系统课程
This is the code that is used for my "Rings of Saturn" light. It is very crude code right now, and there are a couple bugs, but it works for the most part. I used an electret microphone input, and a...
Flexible logging library for the Arduino SDK, allowing the same logging interface to be used with multiple outputs.
arduino esp8266 ESP8266 SCD30 SCD-30 ESP32 UNOR4
🚀 Proyectos de todo tipo para arduino utilizando sus sensores y actuadores. :robot:
Hardware and firmware for a 4x4 MIDI merger/splitter patchbay based on an Arduino MEGA 2560
Open Hardware USB to Serial converter
Connect your PlayStation controller to Arduino the correct way
#计算机科学#Recognition of standard army hand gestures.
Intelligent Navigation System of mobile robot with ten Ultrasonic sensors, user interface via C# Windows Form Application, instructions and videos on how to assemble mobile robotic platform