Stellarium 是一款开源的天象模拟软件。它以3D形式展示了极为逼真的星空,就像你在真实世界使用裸眼,双筒望远镜或天文望远镜看到的一样。
Real-time night sky rendering and planetarium in Swift 4 with native SceneKit and Metal.
Making videos of the night sky with Stellarium
fix to final publish version code of stellarium mobile, with comets update function etc
DIY virtual electronic finderscope for astronomical telescopes
The Astro App is a tool for exploring the night sky and tracking celestial events. It's primarily targeted for amateur astrophotographers.
Software for controlling a motorized sky-pointing laser
A modified version of rDUINOScope that works with Adafruit 3.5" 320X480 TFT SPI mode. It uses SdFat Library Together with a modified version of the marekburiak-ILI9341_due Library, Updated to the late...
An archive with sample scripts and resources for Stellarium.
Startpoint for the dynamic plugin development. Based on the HelloStelModule plugin.
A modified version of rDUINOScope that works with Nextion 5" Enhanced TFT, Updated to the latest firmware version Boiana-EQ V_2.3.1.
Space exploration game, combining online and real-life exploration.
LTS tracked version. adaptation of PC version to Mobile (Android with PC style UI)
A Starlore from the Ancient Indian Astronomy catalogues in Kannada
Just an example how to share a skyculture (which can then also be advertised on