Space exploration, trading, and combat game.
翻译 - 太空探索,交易和战斗游戏。
Multi-Platform Gamepad Firmware for Raspberry Pi Pico and other RP2040 boards
FinalBurn Neo - We are Team FBNeo.
翻译 - FinalBurn Neo-我们是FBNeo团队。
🚀 Synthwave styled space shooter, inspired by the 80s arcades
How to build your own full-size arcade machine from scratch
ArcGIS Arcade expression templates for all supported profiles in the ArcGIS platform.
Official repository of the Sega Model 3 arcade emulator.
Official Repository of FB Alpha Emulator
DARKLINGS is an accessible F2P 2D fighting game with periodic updates (using Rollback Netcode).
FPGA cores compatible with multiple arcade game machines and KiCAD schematics of arcade games. Working on MiSTer FPGA/Analogue Pocket
A Python binding for the great C library raylib.
#安卓#Play retro video games on your Android TV!
Traces, schematics, and general infos about custom chips reverse-engineered from silicon