Python MUD/MUX/MUSH/MU* development system
⚔️ An online JavaScript 2D Medieval RPG.
A node.js based MUD game engine
⚔️ A cross-platform, open source, and super fast MUD client with scripting in Lua
A simple MUD server in Python, for teaching purposes, which could be run on a Raspberry Pi
A terminal mud client written in Rust
TinTin++, aka tt++, is an extensible console MUD client.
DikuMUD III using HTML and websockets.
翻译 - 使用HTML和websockets的DikuMUD III。
ArchaicQuest a Multi User Dungeon (MUD) - Text based MMORPG in C# 🐉
ArchaicQuest II 🐉 is a multiplayer text based RPG known as a Multi User Dungeon (MUD) that is playable from your browser.
A text-based game engine written in Go and scripted with Lua.
A Multi-User Dungeon server in Haskell.
A network accessible, multi-user, programmable, interactive system for the creation of LambdaMOO style MOOs / MUDs.
A Go based MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) server.
A modern MU* engine re-imagined, actively developed and properly tracked.