Terminal-based game engine for Go, built on top of Termbox
翻译 - 基于Termbox的Go终端游戏引擎
A replayable arcade shooter with a focus on build theorycrafting.
翻译 - 一个可重玩的街机射击游戏,专注于构建理论模型。 使用庞大的技能树,许多职业和船只来创建自己的作品并击败数量不断增加的敌人。
Game examples implemented as .NET console applications primarily for providing education and inspiration. :)
Typing speed test in terminal
Gorched is terminal based game written in Go inspired by "The Mother of all games" Scorched Earth
翻译 - Gorched是一款由Go语言编写的基于终端的游戏,灵感来自“所有游戏之母” Scorched Earth
Moria: a roguelike Dungeon Crawler game | Umoria Source Code
The game 2048 for your Linux terminal (https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048)
A package of 18 text-based modern games
cli snake game that plays itself
A highly customizable way to play chess in your terminal. Play online (via Lichess.org) and offline against the Fairy-Stockfish engine. All Lichess variants are supported.
Terminal graphics engine: build your games in the terminal!
💣 Minesweeper game for your terminal