An awesome list of tips for Android.
翻译 - 一系列很棒的Android提示。
[Deprecated] Android,multidex,splitdex,分包插件
#安卓#A collections of tips in Android developing.Android开发总结。我的博客:
#安卓#Android精华录: 该库的目的是结合详细的Demo来全面解析Android相关的知识点, 帮助读者能够更快的掌握与理解所阐述的要点。 不定时更新,与预期接下的要做的事,希望点进来的你能够喜欢😍😍
#安卓#Plugin for Android Gradle to automatically overlay the app icon with the current git commit SHA1.
An experimental Gradle Plugin that automatically maps and includes modules in your builds
#安卓#Support multiple settings.gradle files for multiple projects building.
Companion repo for blog post about Android Gradle and missing flavors
#安卓#An example of the idiomatic structure of a large Android project.
#安卓#Demonstrate how we can manage gradle dependencies
#安卓#Product Flavore to saparate and maintain code reusibility
#安卓#Build automation through android gradle file, When we build app renamed Apk name and stored at user defined path, simultaneously we can create build details text file which contains details like build...
#安卓#Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree, project 5