#安卓#Android and Java bytecode viewer
翻译 - 分析任何基于Android / Java的应用或游戏
#安卓#📺 【停止维护】高仿全民直播(全民TV),项目采用 MVP + RXJava + Retrofit + OKHttp + Material Design + Dagger2 + Base + Glide + GreenDao构建。因为全民TV已经凉了,导致App已经连不上了。在这里特意向你推荐MVPFrame: https://github.com/jenly1314/MVPFrame 和你值得...
[Deprecated] Android,multidex,splitdex,分包插件
#安卓#Loading apks or classes without reinstalling your app.
Manage multidexing using simple annotations and gradle tasks.
Enable Multidex for Cordova Android apps with over 64K methods
Library for resolving ClassNotFound(DexOpt fail) exception when use MultiDex
#安卓#Job matching and Educational platform targeting youth with the aim of preparing them to benefit from the opportunities emerging ICT industry offers and close the skills gap in the job market. We provi...
#安卓#No more headache with Multidex; Get rid of maintaining the mainDexList.txt now
Simple application. First the user creates a new account in the application using Firebase Auth (Sign Up), Second, user will log in to the application and We will store logged user information into sh...
Simple Android App to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and shows list of articles, shows article details when items on the list are tapped (a typical master/detail app).
Learning japanese application