#网络爬虫# a wrapper for glidev4, a solution for image load and big image preview, debug tool for imageview. image spiders on Android
#安卓#📚不积跬步无以至千里,每天进步一点点,Passion,Self-regulation,Love and Share
🐼基于Glide 4.12.0封装的 一键使用工具类。现已改为kotlin实现。支持HTTPS图片,可下载图片,可监听加载进度。包含常用变换:高斯模糊,圆角矩形,圆形,黑白,描边圆形,描边方形。
#安卓#A media player for Android.
RedirectGlide empowers Glide to load images with indirect URLs.
#安卓#New kotlin architecture for Android applications developing based on ReactiveX,integrates many open source projects( like Kodein,Rxjava2, RxKotlin, Retrofit... ),to make your developing quicker and ea...
#安卓#It fetches all the blogs through blogger API and then show them in the app.
🔥🔥🔥The MVVM architecture mobile development framework based on the Kotlin language。
👉 个人收集的一些第三方工具和自定义效果
一个基于Android的简单、易用、灵活且功能强悍的MVP框架(RxJava2 + Retrofit2 + Glide)
Android App to view recipes and their steps + Ingredients (Exoplayer)
This project is the third task of the Udacity Google Android Developer Nanodegree Scholarship.
#安卓#My playground for keeping up to date with Android Tech Stack