My simple Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling.
翻译 - 我简单的瑞士军刀,用于http / https故障排除和性能分析。
⚡️⚡️A browser extension to modify HTTP requests :-)
A Chrome Extension for redirecting/forwarding request urls
Anonymous url redirector and shortener
🧭 Full-featured, self-hosted URL shortener.
⚡️ Your own static URL shortener
Page that redirects to a random page that offers the service you are looking for
RedirectGlide empowers Glide to load images with indirect URLs.
CProX is an easy to configure static serve, redirect, reverse proxy and load balancing web server.
A lightweight, yet neat tool for shortening URLs, and keeping track of their redirects.
Lightweight Go server that redirects users to platform-specific URLs (e.g., App Store, Play Store)
Real-time Modification of Requests. Alternative to Requestly.
Sniffer vulnerabilities in http request (chrome extension)
Easily redirect one entire domain to another with a serverless Cloudflare Worker.
IP grabber with redirection to another site.
hosts file to protect against malicious domains
WordPress implementation of the 404 → 307 'evergreen web' technique developed by Aral Balkan.
A Chrome Extension that blocks redirects on sketchy sites that have constant redirects to viruses, etc.
An admin tool enabling easy setup of redirects from inside Moodle