A modern static resume template and theme. Powered by Jekyll and GitHub pages.
翻译 - 现代的静态简历模板和主题。由Jekyll和GitHub页面提供支持。
My personal website - built with React, React-Router, React-Snap for Static-Export, and GitHub Pages.
翻译 - 我的个人网站-使用React,React-Router,Express和Webpack构建。
a simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
翻译 - 一个简单的模板,可将您的简历写在可读的markdown文件中,并使用CSS发布/打印。
Minimal URL shortener that can be entirely hosted on GitHub pages.
翻译 - 可以完全托管在GitHub页面上的最小URL缩短器。
My Portfolio - Personal Website
Turn GitHub into an RSS reader
Deploy your storybook as a static site
Docker image to export Godot Engine games. Templates for Gitlab CI and GitHub Actions to deploy to GitLab Pages/GitHub Pages/Itch.io.
🎨 Simplistic, responsive jekyll based open source theme
翻译 - 🎨基于jekyll的简单响应式开源主题
#博客#🎨 A ridiculously elegant Jekyll theme.
翻译 - :art:荒诞优雅的Jekyll主题。
Build Jekyll site with GitBook style!
#博客#Ghost on Github Pages. Build and deploy Ghost for free in a few minutes.
#博客#Liberxue blog for lightweight Jekyll themes 轻量级自适应 简洁 卡片式博客主题 3秒搞定GitHub blog
🪂 A Github Action to deploy the Jekyll site conveniently for GitHub Pages.
Fluidity - An accordion based startpage