#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#精选的Unix二进制文件列表,可以用来绕过错误配置系统中的本地安全限制
#安卓#Pupy is an opensource, cross-platform (Windows, Linux, OSX, Android) C2 and post-exploitation framework written in python and C
翻译 - Puppy是主要使用python编写的开源,跨平台(Windows,Linux,OSX,Android)远程管理和后期开发工具
The all-in-one browser extension for offensive security professionals 🛠
翻译 - Web Pentester的多人红队扩展🛠
Python Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
A Windows reverse shell payload generator and handler that abuses the http(s) protocol to establish a beacon-like reverse shell.
JexBoss: Jboss (and Java Deserialization Vulnerabilities) verify and EXploitation Tool
An evil RAT (Remote Administration Tool) for macOS / OS X.
Reverse Shell as a Service
pwncat - netcat on steroids with Firewall, IDS/IPS evasion, bind and reverse shell, self-injecting shell and port forwarding magic - and its fully scriptable with Python (PSE)
#IOS#iOS/macOS/Linux Remote Administration Tool
🔨 A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in go
翻译 - :hammer:用go编写的现代多重反向shell会话管理器
Chimera is a PowerShell obfuscation script designed to bypass AMSI and commercial antivirus solutions.
Chashell is a Go reverse shell that communicates over DNS. It can be used to bypass firewalls or tightly restricted networks.
翻译 - Chashell是通过DNS进行通信的Go反向Shell。它可以用来绕过防火墙或严格限制的网络。
SSH based reverse shell
ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism and RPC for communication
Statically-linked ssh server with reverse shell functionality for CTFs and such
翻译 - 静态链接的 ssh 服务器,具有 CTF 等的反向 shell 功能
Wordpress Attack Suite
Local file inclusion exploitation tool
翻译 - 本地文件包含开发工具