#安全#DDos Ripper a Distributable Denied-of-Service (DDOS) attack server that cuts off targets or surrounding infrastructure in a flood of Internet traffic
翻译 - DDos Ripper 一种可分发的拒绝服务 (DDOS) 攻击服务器,可在大量 Internet 流量中切断目标或周围的基础设施
🔨 A modern multiple reverse shell sessions manager written in go
翻译 - :hammer:用go编写的现代多重反向shell会话管理器
#大语言模型#Chinese safety prompts for evaluating and improving the safety of LLMs. 中文安全prompts,用于评估和提升大模型的安全性。
网络安全 · 攻防对抗 · 蓝队清单,中文版
一个旨在通过应用场景 / 标签对 Github 红队向工具 / 资源进行分类收集,降低红队技术门槛的手册【持续更新】
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#A tool to analyze the network flow during attack/defence Capture the Flag competitions
翻译 - 分析攻击/防御过程中网络流量的工具,以捕获标志比赛
Cover various security approaches to attack techniques and also provides new discoveries about security breaches.
zBang is a risk assessment tool that detects potential privileged account threats
翻译 - zBang是一种风险评估工具,可检测潜在的特权帐户威胁
Model Merging in LLMs, MLLMs, and Beyond: Methods, Theories, Applications and Opportunities. arXiv:2408.07666.
Elemental - An ATT&CK Threat Library
Respounder detects presence of responder in the network.
Network analysis tool for Attack Defence CTF
📢 🔒 Exploit manager for attack-defense CTF competitions
Atomic Purple Team Framework and Lifecycle
#计算机科学#Implementation of the KDD 2020 paper "Graph Structure Learning for Robust Graph Neural Networks"
This page is a result of the ongoing hands-on research around advanced Linux attacks, detection and forensics techniques and tools.
🔨 A multiple reverse shell session/client manager via terminal
🚩 A framework for CTF Attack with Defense Mode
Official TensorFlow Implementation of Adversarial Training for Free! which trains robust models at no extra cost compared to natural training.
prompt attack-defense, prompt Injection, reverse engineering notes and examples | 提示词对抗、破解例子与笔记