一个旨在通过应用场景 / 标签对 Github 红队向工具 / 资源进行分类收集,降低红队技术门槛的手册【持续更新】
A hybird application-layer networking framework with support for messaging, RPC, bidirectional RPC, multiplexing, and maintaining client-server consistency.
SD-WAN,VLAN,virtual router,remote network,iot network,network bridge,vpn server,虚拟路由,虚拟网关,网桥,远程组网,物联网组网,桥网,内网穿透
Net Tunnel 是基于 Netty 开发,开源,安全,高效,稳定的内网穿透和反向代理工具,提供没有公网IP希望暴露内网服务的解决方案。 Net Tunnel is an open source, safe, efficient, and stable intranet penetration and reverse proxy tool developed based on Netty, p...
Intranet penetration agent forwarding system with high concurrency and multiple ports, equipped with real-time performance monitoring module and system management module
FastTunnel is a high-performance cross-platform intranet penetration tool. With it, you can expose intranet services to the public network for yourself or anyone to access.