Download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and ...
翻译 - Eclipse SUMO是一个开放源代码,高度可移植,微观且连续的流量模拟软件包,旨在处理大型网络。它允许包括行人在内的多式联运模拟,并带有用于场景创建的大量工具。
Coherent, zero-dependency, lazy, simple, GraphQL over WebSocket Protocol compliant server and client.
Internet-Drafts that make up the base QUIC specification
翻译 - 组成基本QUIC规范的Internet草案
Gallery of OSMnx tutorials, usage examples, and feature demonstations.
The pure golang implementation of nanomsg (version 1, frozen)
翻译 - nanomsg的纯golang实现(版本1,冻结)
Unlocking the Full Potential of OPC UA with Typescript and NodeJS -
An open source re-implementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
A complete travel guide!
翻译 - 完整的旅行指南!
USC urban data science course series in Python
Fast and easy-to-use event-driven network library.
High performance, low level networking APIs for building custom servers and clients.
翻译 - 用于构建自定义服务器和客户端的高性能,低级网络API。
ToRat is a Remote Administation tool written in Go using Tor as a transport mechanism and RPC for communication
The StreamJsonRpc library offers JSON-RPC 2.0 over any .NET Stream, WebSocket, or Pipe. With bonus support for request cancellation, client proxy generation, and more.
翻译 - StreamJsonRpc库通过任何.NET Stream,WebSocket或Pipe提供JSON-RPC 2.0。额外支持取消请求,生成客户端代理等。
A Transport for http.Client that will cache responses according to the HTTP RFC
ECS for Unity with full game state automatic rollbacks
Sustainable transport planning with R
Zero-dependency, HTTP/1 safe, simple, GraphQL over Server-Sent Events Protocol server and client.