Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
翻译 - 实时地理空间和地理围栏
Download, model, analyze, and visualize street networks and other geospatial features from OpenStreetMap.
#搜索#ACID Document Database
翻译 - ACID文件资料库
Geocomputation with R: an open source book
Cartopy - a cartographic python library with matplotlib support
#计算机科学#GRASS - free and open-source geospatial processing engine
翻译 - GRASS GIS-免费和开源的地理信息系统(GIS)
MySQL Spatial Data Extension integration with Laravel.
Transform, query, and download geospatial data on the web.
R package for spatial data handling
Interactive viewing of spatial data in R
GeostatsPy Python package for spatial data analytics and geostatistics. Started as a reimplementation of GSLIB, Geostatistical Library (Deutsch and Journel, 1992) from Fortran to Python, Geostatistics...
Geo Data Analytics tool for VSCode IDE with support to generate and view maps 🗺️ without any Python 🐍, IPyWidgets ⚙️, pandas 🐼, Jupyter notebooks 📚, or ReactJS ⚛️ app code.