Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
翻译 - 实时地理空间和地理围栏
Count the number of people around you :family_man_man_boy: by monitoring wifi signals 🛰️
翻译 - 通过监视wifi信号:satellite:计算您周围的人数:family_man_man_boy:
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
#IOS#Universal API for request permission and get its statuses.
MacOS application to spoof / fake / mock your iOS / iPadOS or iPhoneSimulator device location. WatchOS and TvOS are partially supported.
Semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
#安卓#📱 [Android Library] Get device information in a super easy way.
#安卓#Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible
#安卓#React native geolocation service for iOS and android
Simple Yet Powerful Geo Library for PHP
翻译 - 简单而强大的PHP地理库
我的导航学习笔记,内容涵盖导航定位开源程序的源码解读 ( 包括:RTKLIB、GAMP、GINav、Ginan、PSINS、SoftGNSS、KF-GINS、GICI-Lib 等)、开源项目梳理、书籍讲义、博客翻译、教程讲座推荐;本仓库会长期更新,分享出来,既是跟大家做个交流,也激励着自己坚持学下去;所有内容都可以随意转载,原始文件都放在这了,欢迎在我的基础上整理出自己的一些文档。
Geolocation APIs for React Native
#安卓#Android and iOS Geolocation plugin for Flutter
Discover the location of nearby Telegram users 📡🌍
翻译 - 发现附近 Telegram 用户的位置📡🌍
#计算机科学#Time-Series Work Summary in CS Top Conferences (NIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, AAAI, WWW, IJCAI, CIKM, ICDM, ICDE, etc.)