A Robust and Versatile Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator
翻译 - 鲁棒且多功能的单眼视觉惯性状态估计器
Track Advancement of SLAM 跟踪SLAM前沿动态【2021 version】業務調整,暫停更新
我的导航学习笔记,内容涵盖导航定位开源程序的源码解读 ( 包括:RTKLIB、GAMP、GINav、Ginan、PSINS、SoftGNSS、KF-GINS、GICI-Lib 等)、开源项目梳理、书籍讲义、博客翻译、教程讲座推荐;本仓库会长期更新,分享出来,既是跟大家做个交流,也激励着自己坚持学下去;所有内容都可以随意转载,原始文件都放在这了,欢迎在我的基础上整理出自己的一些文档。
Monocular Visual-Inertial State Estimator on Mobile Phones
翻译 - 手机上的单目视觉惯性状态估计器
Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry
翻译 - 机器人中心的视觉惯性里程表
A Robust, Real-time, INS-Centric GNSS-Visual-Inertial Navigation System
[CVPR2024] SchurVINS: Schur Complement-Based Lightweight Visual Inertial Navigation System
Square-Root Robocentric Visual-Inertial Odometry with Online Spatiotemporal Calibration
A CUDA reimplementation of Bundle Adjustment for VINS-Fusion
Matlab: Optimization for Nonlinear Least Squares
a VINS algorithm with a combination of stereo fisheye images, cubemap, line features, dense mapping and loop closure
VINS has been completely reconstructed and rewritten using C++ object-oriented, and supports stereo or stereo+ IMU.
Sensor Fusion using Extended Kalman Filter
Mainstream SLAM framework source code analysis
Recent Camera Localization in LiDAR Maps Paper
Simulation for the paper "An Adaptive Approach based on Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for UAVs" published in ICCAS 2021