Discover the location of nearby Telegram users 📡🌍
翻译 - 发现附近 Telegram 用户的位置📡🌍
#安卓#ZoomImage is an gesture zoom viewing of images library specially designed for Compose Multiplatform and Android View. Supported scale, pan, locate, rotation, and super-large image subsampling.
bloc is a better locate tool for finding files in your system
A collection of useful command line tools for PC (includes Unix tools, Ag (silver searcher), Clink, Google Code Search, and more...)
PyQt based file searcher (a frontend for locate tool)
The users country and preferred language and other facts will be detected. Depending on configurable rules the user can be redirected to other languages or pages. New functionality can be added easily...
A simple package that retrieves the path of the most known browsers (if installed), no matter the OS
Keep track of your local git clones
cd history (bash / ksh / zsh)
locate number plate in cars using OpenCV and Python
A tool to gather information of address with in seconds, and tool is knows as ip-identifier