Package your Node.js project into an executable
翻译 - 将您的Node.js项目打包为可执行文件
🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
翻译 - of在node.js应用程序中创建一个可执行文件
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#精选的Unix二进制文件列表,可以用来绕过错误配置系统中的本地安全限制
Linux Binary Exploitation
翻译 - Linux 二进制开发
#下载器#Download the latest stable Synergy binaries.
iperf3 binaries for Windows. Benchmark your network limits.
Reproducible, static, curl binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows
Search gtfobins and lolbas files from your terminal
翻译 - 从终端搜索gtfobins和lolbas文件
🥘 An independent package manager for compiled binaries.
Publish binaries when new releases are made.
Various tools besides Msys2 that I've found useful to have available on windows. Create an issue if you have anything you want to add, want some binaries updated, or you think that some of them should...
Fully feature high performance binary usenet uploader/poster