Linux Binary Exploitation
翻译 - Linux 二进制开发
Evasive shellcode loader for bypassing event-based injection detection (PoC)
翻译 - 逃逸的shellcode加载程序,用于绕过基于事件的注入检测(PoC)
🎃 PumpBin is an Implant Generation Platform.
HRShell is an HTTPS/HTTP reverse shell built with flask. It is an advanced C2 server with many features & capabilities.
Process Injection using Thread Name
x64/x86 shellcode injector
Shellcodev is a tool designed to help and automate the process of shellcode creation.
Manual map shellcode (aka byte array) injector
Penetration Test / Read Team - C# tools repository
PoC of injecting code into a running Linux process
PoC arbitrary WPM without a process handle
Collection of shellcode injection and execution techniques
A mutliple tactics to execute shellcode in go :}
Python based 32-bit Windows debugger built for learning purposes. Currently includes breakpoint setting, register modification, process monitoring and inspection, file monitoring and hooking, DLL inje...
Payload Dropper with Persistance & Privesc & UAC bypass 🐱👤
TheBhTiNjector is a filebinder that can concatenate two or more files of some extensions that preserves the integrity of the files and gives you the option of injecting shellcode into them.
💉 A tool that allows shellcode injection into another process's memory space. It works for both Windows x64 and x86 systems.
Fileless Shellcode Loader with Python
Manual map shellcode (aka byte array) injector