Process Herpaderping proof of concept, tool, and technical deep dive. Process Herpaderping bypasses security products by obscuring the intentions of a process.
翻译 - 处理Herpaderping概念,工具和技术深入证明。流程Herpaderping通过模糊流程的意图来绕过安全产品。
Demos of various injection techniques found in malware
PE loader with various shellcode injection techniques
A more stealthy variant of "DLL hollowing"
翻译 - “ DLL空心化”的更隐蔽的变体
Penetration testing utility and antivirus assessment tool.
Collection of shellcode injection techniques packed in a D/Invoke weaponized DLL
翻译 - 封装在 D/Invoke 武器化 DLL 中的 shellcode 注入技术的集合
Various Process Injection Techniques
x64/x86 shellcode injector
ZwProcessHollowing is a x64 process hollowing project which uses direct systemcalls, dll unhooking and RC4 payload decryption
This script is used to bypass DLL Hooking using a fresh mapped copy of ntdll file, patch the ETW and trigger a shellcode with process hollowing
execute a PE in the address space of another PE aka process hollowing
Herpaderply Hollowing - a PE injection technique, hybrid between Process Hollowing and Process Herpaderping
FUD shellcode Injector
翻译 - 注入细胞代码的食物
A shellcode runner / injector / hollower in Go, for windows
Process hollowing C# shellcode runner that is FUD against Microsoft Defender as of October 7, 2023.
An implementation of the Process Hollowing technique.