Process Herpaderping proof of concept, tool, and technical deep dive. Process Herpaderping bypasses security products by obscuring the intentions of a process.
翻译 - 处理Herpaderping概念,工具和技术深入证明。流程Herpaderping通过模糊流程的意图来绕过安全产品。
Tentacle is a POC vulnerability verification and exploit framework. It supports free extension of exploits and uses POC scripts. It supports calls to zoomeye, fofa, shodan and other APIs to perform bu...
🔥 An Exploit framework for Web Vulnerabilities written in Python
A Ruby micro-framework for writing and running exploit payloads
This tool is great for information gathering and post- exploitation
A multiple reverse shell sessions/clients manager via terminal written in go
Nemesys is an ethical cybersecurity tool designed to automate exploitation and post-exploitation tasks using Metasploit. It enhances target attacks, privilege escalation, and system analysis while pro...
lsf 💾 is an exploiting framework💻 for hackers👨🏼💻and pentester’s
Metasploit Framework is a powerful open-source tool for penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and security research.
Metasploit Framework is a powerful open-source tool for penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, and security research.