Let's make an annoyance free, better open internet, altogether!
Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.
A collection of malware samples caught by several honeypots i manage
All-in-One malware analysis tool.
The Ultimate Unified Hosts file for protecting your network, computer, smartphones and Wi-Fi devices against millions of bad web sites. Protect your children and family from gaining access to bad web ...
A repository full of malware samples.
LimeRAT | Simple, yet powerful remote administration tool for Windows (RAT)
🚀🚀 This is a 🎇🔥 REAL WORLD🔥 🎇 Malware Collection I have Compiled & analysed by researchers🔥 to understand more about Malware threats😈, analysis and mitigation🧐.
Leaked pentesting manuals given to Conti ransomware crooks
翻译 - 泄露给 Conti 勒索软件骗子的渗透测试手册
A resource containing all the tools each ransomware gangs uses
A POC Windows crypto-ransomware (Academic). Now Ransom:Win32/MauriCrypt.MK!MTB
#Awesome#Awesome Security lists for SOC/CERT/CTI
#安全#Crypter - Python3 based builder and ransomware compiled to Windows executable using PyInstaller
Open-Source Ransomware As A Service for Linux, MacOS and Windows
翻译 - 适用于Linux,MacOS和Windows的开源勒索软件即服务
Ransomwares Collection. Don't Run Them on Your Device.
Malware sample library.
Python Ransomware Tutorial - YouTube tutorial explaining code + showcasing the ransomware with victim/target roles