Porn blocker that redirects users from porn to positive, fulfilling websites
Unified porn blocklist. More than 10 million domains as of 2024. Updated monthly.
Categorized hosts files for DNS based content blocking
A curated list of tools and resources for online adult content/porn filtering
This repo provide rule groups for Little Snitch based on unified host list to block ads, malware, fake news , gambling and porn
This is a clone of ./mypdns/porn-records The best maintained Anti Pornographic filter; which ruthlessly got removed by GitHub
Protect your computer / rooted-smartphone !
Helium is an autoscript to help users especially for those who are not familiar with Command Line Interface (CLI) to install and manage dnsmasq to block ads, phishing, malware, porn and many more.
hosts file to protect against malicious domains
PowerShell script for @StevenBlack 's hosts project
List of porn sites that can be read by Pi-Hole.
Ultimate adblocker module derived from gloeyisk/systemless-hosts
Instructions on how to set up a Pi-Hole for filtering adult content
#人脸识别#Projeto open-source em andamento, 100% em português, distribuído sob a licença MIT. Miniblog simples criado com o framework Laravel. A api do Google Vision ajuda a impedir que usuários comuns façam up...
Scripts and Docker container to generate hosts file to block any DNS request
A powershell script with gui made to block hosts for windows