A binary authorization and monitoring system for macOS
Primary Block Lists
a list of disposable email domains
翻译 - 一次性和临时电子邮件地址域列表
Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage
Hostfile blocklist for ads and tracking, updated regularly
Repo for Firebog hosting
翻译 - 用于Firebog托管的回购
This is a opinionated blocklist of words that you might not like to see used as usernames in your service.
翻译 - 这是一个经过检查的单词黑名单,您可能不希望将其用作服务中的用户名。
Easily block Adobe telemetry checking domains. Continuously Updated. Useful for HostsMan / SwitchHosts / Pi-hole users ✨
A simple solution for WordPress comment spam.
#搜索#A filter that blocks spam & misleading websites from appearing in search results via uBlocklist
Keeps your preferred Bit Torrent client blocklist up to date to support your privacy and security
由 BTN 网络统计分析和维护的 BitTorrent 恶意/疑似恶意 IP 地址集合
#IOS#Ultimate Host List for Mobile Adblockers (Focused on iOS)
Blocklists to block the communication to social networking sites and privacy harming services
A very aggressive filter-list that consolidates over 370 lists for use in AdGuard Home, Pi-Hole or similar.