A framework that create an advanced stealthy dropper that bypass most AVs and have a lot of tricks
Exposing phishing kits seen from phishunt.io
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Daily updated list.txt and Pi-Hole adlist of phishing domains used on Discord & Steam
The AIO Firebog Blocklists is a collection of unified blocklists designed to provide complete filtering capabilities for different online threats. These blocklists are curated from multiple sources, o...
Blocklist for newly created scam, phishing, and other malicious domains automatically retrieved daily using Google Search API, automated detection, and public databases.
Filtry do uBlocka Origin i AdGuarda, chroniące przed różnymi zagrożeniami w polskiej sieci, takimi jak wirusy, fałszywe sklepy i subskrypcje SMS.
Wersja hosts, PiHole, dnsmasq, domenowa (Forti Guard) filtrów KAD
Blocks ads and redirects from specific adult websites