Easy to use phishing tool with 77 website templates. Author is not responsible for any misuse.
Phishing Domains, urls websites and threats database. We use the PyFunceble testing tool to validate the status of all known Phishing domains and provide stats to reveal how many unique domains used f...
StalkPhish - The Phishing kits stalker, harvesting phishing kits for investigations.
🌍 A repository of blocklists for various DNS servers, featuring over 100 links and more than 6 million domains. Additionally, you can use our personalized Blocklist Generator to customize content fil...
TweetFeed collects Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) shared by the infosec community at Twitter. Here you will find malicious URLs, domains, IPs, and SHA256/MD5 hashes.
A heavily armed customizable phishing tool for educational purpose only
BlackEye Phishing Kit in Python w Serveo Subdomain Creation | Educational Purposes Only
100% working Phishing Tool (38 websites)
翻译 - 100% working Phishing Tool (38 websites)
Best Tool For Phishing, Future Of Phishing
🔱 [ Phishing Simulation Made Easy ] 🔱. Simple and beginner friendly automated phishing simulation page creator.
Domain name permutation engine written in Go
Advanced phishing tool for learning
Find phishing kits which use your brand/organization's files and image.
Exposing phishing kits seen from phishunt.io
The best tool for phishing on Termux / Linux, 2022 updated. Programed by The Famous Sensei.
Best Tool for Phishing With 38+ templates , Now you can Hack your Girlfreind or Boyfreind Instagram or Facebook account by jus a single link ! HAVE FUN 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴✔
Templates for the King Phisher open source phishing campaign toolkit.
30+ Template With Cloudflared Link Non Expire The Father Of Phishing Tool🎣
Collection of GoPhish templates available for legitimate usage.