高达百万级规则!由我原创&整理的 AdGuardHomeRules ADH广告拦截过滤规则!打造全网最强最全规则集
🌍 A repository of blocklists for various DNS servers, featuring over 100 links and more than 6 million domains. Additionally, you can use our personalized Blocklist Generator to customize content fil...
Blocklists for AdGuard Home, AdGuard, Little Snitch, Open Snitch, uBlock Origin, Brave Adblock, pfBlockerNG, and PiHole. Combine with Hagezi and OISD
广告过滤规则订阅器,整合不同来源的规则,帮助你快速构建属于自己的规则集 | Ad Filter Rule Subscriber, integrating rules from various sources to help you quickly build your own rule set
#安卓#Turkish Ad Hosts
Hufilter - The Hungarian Adblock Filter List.
TheBestAdrules,适用于Adguard Home的去广告dns规则,由关圣整理上游优秀的规则,合并去重而来,集百家之所长,取其精华去其糟粕。 关圣DNS官网https://dns.dns1.top 官方微信群及QQ群见官网公布。 关圣DNS,一个人人可加入的公益去广告dns团队,目前拥有7条公益dns节点。 捐赠,或者提供服务器均可加入“关圣爱发电”团队。 由于目前网络上发布的规则众...
Hufilter - The Hungarian Adblock Filter List. These filter lists are releases only! If you'd like to contribute, please create a new pull request in our hufilter-dev repository!
Customized AdGuardHome Block Rules for China Regions Users
A blocklist for AdGuard and Pi-hole which combines many of the best blocklists
Listing de sites internet relatifs aux jeux vidéos.
A trove of content relating to Pi-hole. How-to guides, blocklists, allowlists, regex lists, safesearch, scripts.
The freshest uBO/AdGuard filter list which aims to hide and/or deactivate Allegro Group (Allegro, Allegro Lokalnie, MALL, mimovrste) & OLX websites annoyances.
iOSPrivacy.com houses iVOID.hosts, DomnainVoider, & serves as a third-party mirror for Urlhaus filters.
Columbia by Osborne · A comprehensive black hole for ads and analytics
My recommendations for the ultimate configuration of AdGuard's browser extension :)
My recommendations for the ultimate configuration of AdGuard on Safari on iOS :)
Blocking Negative Content With Adguard List
Pi-hole, Adguard Home etc. Block list