提升部署在cloudflare、vercel或netlify的网页在中国的访问速度和稳定性 Improve the access speed and stability in China of web pages hosted on cloudflare, vercel or netlify by merely changing your CNAME record. cf优选域名 | cf优选ip...
合肥工业大学 Hefei University Of Technology 2003-2024年学术不端、作弊保研、宿舍霸凌、学生自杀、留学生反华等事件合集
中国行政区划矢量图,ESRI Shapefile格式,共四级:国家、省/直辖市、市、区/县。关键字:中国行政区划图;中国地图;中国行政区;中国行政区地图;行政区地图;行政区;行政区划;地图;矢量数据;矢量地理数据;省级;直辖市;市级;区/县级;行政区划图。
Flutter CN docs translation plan, get started from the wiki: https://github.com/cfug/flutter.cn/wiki
翻译 - Flutter CN文档翻译计划,从Wiki开始:https://github.com/cfug/flutter.cn/wiki
Dart docs localization, get started from the wiki page here: https://github.com/cfug/dart.cn/wiki
#面试# 本仓库是关于大模型面试中常见面试试题和面试经验的整理。这里收集了各类与大模型相关的面试题目,并提供详细的解答和分析。本仓库由上海交大交影社区维护
Know How Guide and Hands on Guide for AWS
Adblock home rules for China regions (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau Users)
Mirrors and registries in Mainland China
Customized AdGuardHome Block Rules for China Regions Users
腾讯位置服务中国标准行政区划数据 SDK
This handy workshop help the customers to quickly launch ECS with service mesh support on top of mixed type of instance in all commercial regions (include China), and also provides hands-on tutorials ...
DynamoDB bi-directional replication solution between China regions and AWS commercial regions