🇨🇳 Element UI && antd Cascader级联选择器 中国省市区三级、二级联动option数据
中国行政区划矢量图,ESRI Shapefile格式,共四级:国家、省/直辖市、市、区/县。关键字:中国行政区划图;中国地图;中国行政区;中国行政区地图;行政区地图;行政区;行政区划;地图;矢量数据;矢量地理数据;省级;直辖市;市级;区/县级;行政区划图。
Administrative divisions of Iran in json and xml formats - تقسیمات کشوری ایران با فرمت جیسان و ایکس ام ال
Indonesia Postal Code & Area (BPS)
List of Philippine regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and their barangays as of the 2019 national elections
Iran Locality persian name with Finglish name and also coordinates
MySQL / PostgreSQL / JSON / Csv : Indonesia Postal Codes Database (Database Kode Pos Indonesia - Kelurahan - Kecamatan - Kota)
This API allows you to get data about provinces, districts, neighborhoods and villages in Turkey/Turkiye. 🇹🇷 - Bu API, Türkiye'deki iller, ilçeler, mahalleler ve köyler hakkında veri almanızı sağlar...
Peta GeoJSON Indonesia dengan Kode Provinsi
A simple utility library that lists Nigeria states and local governments with zero dependency
API used for listing all the region, province, city, municipality, and barangay. Philippine Standard Geographic Codes as of 30 September 2020 (3Q)
Highcharts 中国地图,Highcharts 中国省市地图,Highcharts China Map,南海诸岛geo
A geographic map of Belgium (Provinces - arrondissements - municipalities)
Collects officially published daily stats for the corona-virus (China only) 收集新冠状病毒中国每日疫情数据,精确到地级